How to Grow, Harvest, and Use a Licorice Root Plant

Sep 23, 2024
How to grow licorice, how to harvest licorice, how to use licorice root, homemade licorice candy


Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb! You likely recognize the name licorice — it’s also seen in candy. And while most store-bought options you find today aren’t made with the actual licorice root plant, that familiar sweet flavor is still there. 


You’ll have to try the real plant to enjoy the true health benefits of this herb! If you’re interested in growing your own licorice root, harvesting it, and using it in different ways you’ve come to the right place. I’m sharing everything you need to know in this helpful guide.


Grow your own licorice root plant and enjoy the benefits of this versatile herb! Learn how to cultivate, harvest, and use licorice root in different ways, from growing licorice root at home to brewing herbal tea with licorice root. You’ll also discover all of the health benefits and practical uses of this time-tested plant.



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The History of Licorice Root and How We Use It

Before we jump into how to grow and care for a licorice root plant, it’s history lesson time. Herbalism has been around pretty much as long as we have, so as you can imagine there’s a lot to learn. The history of licorice root can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where it was used to treat various illnesses and ailments and as a sweetener. It was also highly valued in ancient Greece and Rome. 


Today, this sweet root is still used in herbalism, food, and beverages. And while the licorice candy or flavored drinks we see today are typically made with synthetic licorice flavoring instead of real licorice root, some all-natural brands do use the real thing! 


So, what about the benefits and practical uses of this plant in herbalism? Glad you asked!



Benefits of Licorice Root

Licorice root contains several bioactive compounds. Glycyrrhizic acid is perhaps one of the most important, as it’s what gives the plant its sweet taste and medicinal properties!


Some of the potential health benefits associated with licorice root are:

  • Digestive health: This plant has been traditionally used to soothe stomach ulcers, aid digestion, and reduce heartburn. It could help protect the lining of your stomach too.
  • Immune system support: It also contains compounds with antiviral and antibacterial properties. Both help to boost your immune system and fight off infections… like colds!
  • Skin health: If you have eczema, licorice root plant could help soothe it and reduce inflammation in general. Some like to use it to help lighten dark spots.
  • More potential benefits: This powerful root has also been shown to aid with respiratory issues, menopause symptoms, and other conditions. Experts are still researching what it can possibly help with!





Why Grow Your Own Licorice Root Plant

You can certainly buy licorice root from the store, and you can even purchase licorice root tea. But, growing your own offers a few advantages over grabbing store-bought, especially if you hope to use it for more than just tea.


  • You are your own quality control: When you grow things yourself, you can ensure that it’s pure, organic, and free from any harmful additives.
  • Budget-friendly: Growing licorice root at home can be a cost-effective way to have a never-ending (well, until it’s time to plant again!) supply of this helpful herb.
  • It will be fresh as can be: Licorice root harvested from your garden is almost guaranteed to be fresher and more potent than store-bought.
  • Self-sustainable: Growing your own herbs is a great way to be a good steward of God’s abundance and gives you free access to herbs right in your own home. 


How to Grow a Licorice Root Plant

Now we’re on to the good stuff! Before you get started, there are a few things to note about this helpful herb. 


It’s a perennial plant that thrives in warm, sunny climates with well-draining soil. In the US, the best regions for growing licorice root are states like California, Texas, and Florida. Now, if you don’t live in any of those places, you can still grow this plant! You’ll just have to keep it in a greenhouse or under a grow lamp. Below are some tips for growing licorice roots indoors.



Whether growing outside or not, you can start your sweet root from seeds or root crowns. If you are in a warm climate, choose a sunny location with fertile, well-draining soil. Plant the seeds or crowns in the spring or summer at a depth of about 1 inch, making sure to space the plants about 12-18 inches apart.


If you need to grow inside, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Temperature: Maintain a temperature between 70-80°F during the growing season.
  • Humidity: Keep the humidity relatively high, around 60-70%.
  • Light: Provide your licorice plant with at least 12-14 hours of light per day.
  • Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix that is rich in organic matter.



Once planted, it’s essential to care for your licorice. Water the plants regularly, especially during dry periods, but be sure not to overwater either. Weed around the plants to keep competition for light and water at bay — applying a layer of mulch will help suppress unwanted weeds and retain moisture. These plants are generally pest and disease-resistant, but keep an eye out for common (and annoying) garden pests.



Once you start growing licorice root, you’ll learn an important lesson in patience… they take about 2-3 years to mature before they can be harvested! The best time to do it is in the fall after the plants themselves have died back. When they’re ready, carefully dig them up and remove the roots — that’s where the good stuff is! Wash them thoroughly and then cut them into smaller pieces before using them.



Ways to Use Licorice Root

It’s time to make the most of the fruits of your labor! As mentioned, there are so many benefits to licorice root. It’s often used in herbalism — here are just a few ways to work with it:


  • Teas: Steep the root in hot water to make a soothing tea that could aid in digestion. Herbal tea with licorice root can be enjoyed on its own or combined with other herbs!
  • Tinctures: Made by extracting the active compounds from the root in alcohol. Tinctures can be taken orally or used topically.
  • Powder: Dried licorice root is sometimes ground into a powder and used in various recipes, such as baked goods and candies.
  • Other uses: It can also be used in lotions, topical creams, and other skincare products.



Before you’re off to the races, there are a few things to keep in mind. As with anything else, this herb is best used in moderation. If you go a bit overboard, there are some side effects to be aware of, like high blood pressure or low potassium levels.


Mamas, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s best to stay away from licorice root. And if you have any underlying health conditions or take medication, always talk to your doctor first!





Licorice Root Plant Frequently Asked Questions

Can I eat licorice root directly from the plant?

No, you should not eat licorice root directly from the plant. As mentioned, it contains a compound called glycyrrhizic acid, which can be harmful if you ingest too much. Always process it before consuming, such as making herbal tea with licorice root, or a tincture or powder.

Can I grow licorice root indoors?

Yes, you can grow licorice root indoors! It needs a sunny and warm location, and I know not everyone has access to that. If growing inside, opt for a greenhouse or under grow lights. This is a good option for people who live in colder climates. Just keep in mind that it's important to provide the plant with adequate light, warmth, and humidity, even indoors.

Who should not use licorice root?

People with certain medical conditions should avoid licorice root, or at the very least, limit their intake. People with high blood pressure, heart disease, or low potassium levels should always talk to their doctor first. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid licorice root unless told otherwise by a healthcare professional.




Naturally Sweet Licorice to the Rescue

As you can see, growing, caring for, and harvesting licorice root is easier than you might think! Whether you’re a seasoned gardener with a passion for herbalism or are just starting out, you can cultivate this versatile herb and enjoy its potential health benefits. From planting and care to harvesting and using, licorice root is a great addition!

Even if you don't plan to grow your licorice root, licorice is naturally sweet and a great way to spruce up many recipes or even make homemade licorice candy. A great gift for the holidays and craft for the kids or grandkids when they are home. If you would like to know more about turning licorice root into fabulous tea blends using other herbs, check out this  FREE Tea Blending Workshop! And if you’re working on making your very own herbal monograph on licorice root, don’t forget to download the FREE Monograph Template.

Before you go, I'd love to know if you have used licorice root. What did you think? Let me know in the comments below!



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